Monthly Archives: April 2018

Ladies of ’65

The Ladies of ’65 met at Alfonzo’s Pizzeria in Troy yesterday, and, as always, they had a GREAT time! Isn’t it time for you to join them? Contact Joyce for all the particulars about their next scheduled get-together.  Thanks to Georgia Yost for the photo.

Ladies of '65 - April 2018
Rear – Joyce Weber Ackerman, Debbie Weider-Hatfield, Adele Lozier Miller, Sandy Limdley Snyder.
Middle – Betty Stephens Wilson, Georgia Yost, Judy Schikowski Mentz, Nancy Kingsbury Fox, Gayle Holsinger, Terri Koehne Odorizzi.
Front – Ellen Witte, Sharon Bauer Culberson, Sandy Oliver Anderson, Janet Baker Smith, Diane Hadfield Miller.

Ladies of ’65 at Rachel’s Garden

The Ladies of ’65 met at Rachel’s Garden in Belleville yesterday, and from the looks of the photo, they had a GREAT time! Isn’t it time for you to join them? Contact Joyce for all the particulars about their next scheduled get-together. And as always, click the photo for a larger view.

Rear – Carol Hornal Boone, Adele Lozier Miller, Susan Bauer Fletcher, Rosemary Muniz Novich, Sandy Oliver Anderson, Sharon Bauer Culberson, Jesse Wright.
Front – Judy Schikowski Mentz, Diane Hadfield Miller, Barbara Schneider Hepperman, Sandy Lindlet Snyder